Distance Education Online Symposium Archives

Established in 1991, DEOSNEWS is published monthly to promote distance education scholarship, research, and practice. Publication was suspended after Volume 14.1.

Volume 14 (2005)

14.1 Interview with Tim Stroud, President and CEO of the North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL) (January 2005)

Volume 13 (2004)

13.1 Interview with Dr. Melody Thompson, Director of ACSDE (January 2004)

13.2 Total Quality Management Strategic Plan for Distance Course Development, Donna G. Wood, Melissa Roberts Becker, Rodney L. Osborne, Joyce A. Van Nostrand, Sharon A. Winn, and Chuck Ziehr (February 2004)

13.3 Con-text? An Inquiry, Mia Lobel, Michael Neubauer, Randy Swedburg(March 2004)

13.4 Less is More: Designing an Online Course, R. Thomas Berner (April 2004)

13.5 A model for sustainable student retention: A holistic perspective on the student dropout problem with special attention to e-learning, Zane L. Berge and Yi-Ping Huang (May 2004)

13.6 Online course packs through a campus bookstore: A test study, James B. Tyler (June 2004)

13.7 The uses of systems theory in distance education: An annotated bibliography, Steven C. Shaffer (September 2004)

13.8 Beyond No Significant Difference: Differentiating Learning Outcomes Using Multidimensional Content Analysis, John R. Grandzol, Carrie A. Eckerson, and Christian J. Grandzol (October 2004)

Volume 12 (2002)

12.3 Training for Distance Learning Faculty; Anthony P. Trippe

12.2 Accounting Faculty Members’ Perceptions of Distance Learning: An Exploratory Study; Michael Mosebach and Richard I. Newmark

12.1 Faculty Development Programs: Teaching professional educators to drink from the fire hose; Patricia Cravener

Volume 11 (2001)

11.12 Evaluating Student Mastery and Program Effectiveness; Maggie McVay Lynch

11.11 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 15 (2001)

11.10 A Tangled Web Indeed: The Difficulty of Developing a Research Agenda for Distance Education; Zane L. Berge

11.9 Effective Student Outcomes: A Comparison of Online and Face-to-Face Delivery Modes; Jane M. Carey

11.8 Creating Streamed Instruction for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Online Learner; James R. Mallory

11.7 Distance Education by Interactive Videoconferencing in a Family Practice Residency Center; Orlando F. Mills, James F. Bates, Vicki Pendleton, Kathleen Lese, and Michael Tatarko

11.6 The Role of the Instructor in Web-Based Instruction: Are We Practicing What We Preach?; Laura LaMonica

11.5 The Use of Web-Based Instruction in Medical Education; Veronica E. Michaelsen

11.4 Distance Education, the MBA, and the Internet; Mawdudur Rahman

11.3 Faculty Development in Higher Education: "Best Practices" Review and Planning Recommendations for Technology-Rich Learning Environments; Mindy Machanic

11.2 Teaching Algebra Online; Nora Strasser

11.1 Faculty Strategies for Learning to Teach at a Distance with Instructional Technology; Rebecca D. Armstrong

Volume 10 (2000)

10.13 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 14 (2000)

10.12 Andragogy and Distance Education: Still Together in the New Millennium; Mark H. Rossman

10.11 An Evaluation of Online Distance Education Course Databases; Ellen Rose

10.10 A Policy for Distance Education: A Case Study and Model; J.W. King, G.C. Nugent, J.J. Eich, D.L. Mlinek, and E.B. Russell

10.9 Evaluating Students’ Online Course Experiences: The Virtual Focus Group; Catherine Schifter and Dominique Monolescu

10.8 Institutional Support for Distance Education; Elizabeth Buchanan

10.7 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Web Site Development and Distance Education; Michael T. Ryan, Mary Mauldin, Jonathan Coultas, Kathy Downey, and Ben Gilbertson

10.6 TeleCampus Student Numbers Survey; Julia Innes, Rory McGreal, and Anthony Roberts

10.5 Navigating the Demands in Distance Teaching: The Lived Experiences of Distance Teachers; Nancy Diekelmann, Robert Schuster, Catherine Nosek, and Rebekah Hamilton

10:4 The Effectiveness of Self-Tutorial Study vs. Classroom-Based Instruction for Real Estate Relicensure: An Experimental Study; William E. Blank, Kristine Y. Hogarty, Jeffrey D. Kromrey, and James White

10:3 The Future of Academic Freedom: Educational Technology and Academic Freedom; Jack Simmons

10:2 A Framework for Designing Questions for Online Learning; Lin Muilenburg, Zane L. Berge

10:1 An Evaluation of Distance Learning in the University of Minnesota Human Resource Development Program; Teresa M. Tillson, James C. Warner, and Gary N. McLean

Volume 9 (1999)

9:12 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 13 (1999)

9:11 Adopting Disruptive Technologies in Traditional Universities: Continuing Education as an Incubator for Innovation; Walter Archer, D. Randy Garrison, and Terry Anderson

9:10 Teleeducation NB: People Problems and Solutions in a Canadian Province-wide Distributed Distance Learning Network; Rory McGreal

9:9 Assessing the Effectiveness of Web Page Support in Large Lecture Course; Ralph E. Hanson and Todd Jubeck

9:8 Lessons Learned While Team Teaching "Using the Internet as an Instructional Delivery Model"; Ann Nevin, Susan Stutler, and Debbie Zambo

9:7 Book Reviews:
Distance Learners in Higher Education: Institutional Responses for Quality Outcomes, C. C. Gibson, ed. Reviewed by Don Olcott, Jr.
Mega-Universities and Knowledge Media: Technology Strategies for Higher Education, J. S. Daniel; Reviewed by James H. Ryan

9:6 Pennsylvania Initiative. KCnet: The Fiber Model for Rural Connectivity; Judy Yoho and Rick Wycoff
South Carolina: Distance Learning Projects. Distance Learning, Our Solution; Nelson N. Perry

9:5 Educational Opportunities via the Iowa Communications Network (ICN); Gwen Wallace Nagel
The Iowa Educational Technology Training Institute; Robert R. Hardman

9:4 TEAMS Distance Learning: Promoting Excellence in Education; Donald S. Lake, Wendell Boyd, and Shirley Jones

9:3 Increasing Migrant Students’ Algebra Skills with Audioconferencing; Michael Sullivan

9:2 Keeping the Thread: Adapting Conversational Practice to Help Distance Students and Instructors Manage Discussions in an Asynchronous Learning Network; Donald J. Winiecki

9:1 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 12 (1998)

Volume 8 (1998)

8:12 Good Teaching is Good Teaching: An Emerging Set of Guiding Principles and Practices for the Design and Development of Distance Education; Lawrence C. Ragan

8:11 Abstracts: Journal of Distance Education, Volumes 11 and 12 (1996&endash;1997)

8:10 Distance Learning Quality Indicators: Teletraining Two-Way Electronic Classroom; Lenora Peters Gant

8:9 I Know My Instructional Technologies: It’s These Learners That Perplex Me; Mauri Collins

8:8 Reliable Market Intelligence for Distance Education; Kenneth S. Rudich

8:7 The Online Teaching System; Morten Flate Paulsen

8:6 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 11 (1997)

8:5 A New Professoriate for the New Millennium; Michael F. Beaudoin

8:4 Book Reviews:
Brave New Schools: Challenging Cultural Literacy Through Global Learning Networks, J. Cummins and D. Sayers; Reviewed by Kyle L. Peck
In Search of the Virtual Class: Education in an Information Society, J. Tiffin and L. Rajasingham; Reviewed by Stephen C. Ehrmann

8:3 A Review of Distance Education Research: An Annotated Bibliography Approach; Sami Faddah, Dale Fike, Charlotte French, Dwight Fulcher, Simon Hsu, Linda Smith, and Dennis Widen

8:2 Media Review: Classroom Design For Video Teleconferencing; Rick L. Shearer

8:1 The Computer Assisted Lifelong Learning (CALL) Network of Thomas Edison State College; William J. Seaton and Esther Paist

Volume 7 (1997)

7:12 Abstracts: ACSDE Research Monograph Series, no. 10, Internationalism in Distance Education: A Vision for Higher Education

7:11 Investigating Support for Teachers Using Distance Learning in Education: A Case Study; Donna J. Merkley, Mary Bozik, and Kathy Oakland

7:10 Houston Community College System’s “College without Walls”: An Approach to Computer-Mediated Instruction; Roger L. Boston and Earl Johnson

7:9 The Open Learning Agency: The Open University and Open College Online Project; Penny Street and Jacqueline Bradshaw

7:8 Formative Evaluations of a Sample Video Program from the “Nutrition Pathways” Telecourse Based on Adult Education Principles; Nora Coto Busby

7:7 Officers’ Leadership Conference Pilot Project: Utilizing Interactive Videoconferencing Technology to Overcome Geographic Challenges; Pattie Miller and Mary Anne Hansen

7:6 Computer-Mediated Communications: Alternative for Learning; Susan M. Rogers

7:5 Book Reviews:
Why the Information Highway? Lessons from Open and Distance learning, Judy Roberts and Erin Keough; Reviewed by Tony Bates
The Virtual Classroom: Learning without Limits via Computer Networks, Starr Roxanne Hiltz; Reviewed by Zane L. Berge

7:4 Where Are You George Orwell? We Got the Year . . . Missed the Message!; Don Olcott, Jr.

7:3 A Review of Distance Education Research: An Annotated Bibliography Approach; Sami Faddah, Dale Fike, Charlotte French, Dwight Fulcher and Simon Hsu

7:2 Teaching Biology by Hypercard; Dennis Schall

7:1 Book Reviews:
Why the Information Highway? Lessons from Open and Distance learning, Judy Roberts and Erin Keough; Reviewed by Tony Bates
The Virtual Classroom: Learning without Limits via Computer Networks, Starr Roxanne Hiltz; Reviewed by Zan

Volume 6 (1996)

6:12 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 10 (1996)

6:11 Virtual Archaeological Fieldwork Training by Distance Education; Dirk H. R. Spennemann and Anthony P. Steinke

6:10 Instructional Use of Compressed Video Teleconferencing: A Report from Faculty Users; Larry M. Dooley

6:9 Videoconferencing Training: Assessment of Applicability; Harry E. Fetterman

6:8 Recruitment of Minority Graduate Students with Video Teleconferencing; Anita Fleming-Rife, Charles H. Ingold, and Beverly Love-Wallace

6:7 Challenges and Opportunities in Distance Education Evaluation; Hoi K. Suen and Jay Parkes

6:6 A “2+2” Baccalaureate Program Using Interactive Video; John P. Witherspoon

6:5 A Review of Distance Education Research: An Annotated Bibliography Approach; Sami Faddah, Dale Fike, Charlotte French, Dwight Fulcher, Simon Hsu, Linda Smith and Dennis Widen

6:4 Book Review:
Economics of Distance Education: Recent Experience, P. K. Dhanarajan, K. S. Yuen, and C. Swales; Reviewed by Peter Dirr

6:3 Student Support Services for Distance Learners; Jolene J. Workman and Richard A. Stenard

6:2 Remote Delivery of Programs; Ian Mugridge

6:1Superintendents’ Perceptions of a Distance Education Implementation Initiative; Margaret Haughey

Volume 5 (1995)

5:12 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 9 (1995)

5:11 Team Teaching over an Interactive Network; Matthew C. Moen

5:10 Teaching and Learning with Audiographics: Developing Positive Attitudes and Effective Pedagogy; Elizabeth Stacey

5:9 Evaluation of Interactive Television Instruction: Assessing Attitudes of Community College Students; Christine K. Sorensen

5:8 If Distance Learning is the Solution, What’s the Problem? Beyond DDSS; Roger Kauffman

5:7 Book Review:
Reaching Learners Through Telecommunications, Becky S. Duning, M. J. Van Kekerix, and L. M. Zaborowski; Reviewed by Thomas C. Reeves

5:6 Constructivist Theory Unites Distance Learning and Teacher Education; Tery Crotty

5:5 The Bad Option and the Good Option; Stephen C. Ehrmann

5:4 Students’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Two-Way Interactive Television; Jonathan J. Fyock and H. Dean Sutphin

5:3 The MBA Degree on Television: Distance Education for the Upwardly Mobile; Arnold Cirtin

5:2 Integrating Experience and Reflection to Enhance Distance Education Practice; Michael F. Beaudoin

5:1 Teaching Graduate-Level Seminars Using Electronic Mail: Creative Distance Education; Nancy Hansen and John Gladfelter

Volume 4 (1994)

4:12 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 8 (1994)

4:11 DEOSNEWS Readership Survey, November 1994

4:10 The Hawaii KidScience Teleschool Program: A Description and Evaluation; Bruce O. Barker, James E. Bannon, and Patricia Miller

4:9 The Effectiveness of an Interactive Video Network (IVN) Extension Workshop; George Flaskerud

4:8 Teaching via Compressed Video: Promising Practices and Potential Pitfalls; Mary Alice Bruce and Richard A. Shade

4:7 Annotated Bibliography: Twenty Publications in Distance Education

4:6 Interactivity as a Predictor of Student Success in Satellite Learning Programs; Teresa Van Haalen and George Miller

4:5 Instructional Design for College-Level Courses Using Interactive Television; Robert V. Price and Judi Repman

4:4 Is Distance Education the Answer? Focus on Tanzania and Zimbabwe; Fred Zindi and Robert Aucoin

4:3 Abstracts: ACSDE Research Monograph, no. 4, Distance Education Symposium: Selected Papers. Part 1

4:2 Preparing Practitioners at a Distance: Use of Telecommunications in an Introductory Early Childhood Special Education Course; Loraine J. Spenciner and Betsy Squibb

4:1 Don’t All Faculty Want Their Own TV Show? Barriers to Faculty Participation in Distance Education; Gregory Blanch

Volume 3 (1993)

3:11 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 7 (1993)

3:10 Off-Campus Library Services Programs to Enhance Faculty-Student Interaction and Student Personal Development for Students at a Distance; Thomas E. Abbott

3:9 Computer Literacy at a Distance; Dale C. Howard and Charles van Duren

3:8 The Report of the Task Force on Distance Education; Part 2; The Pennsylvania State University

3:7 The Report of the Task Force on Distance Education; Part 1; The Pennsylvania State University

3:6 Exemplary Programs of Secondary Distance Education in Canada; Rory McGreal

3:5 A Faculty and Staff Support Program at the University of Maine at Augusta; Glenn LeBlanc

3:4 Computer Conferencing for Collaborative Learning In Large College Classes; Edmund Hansen, Siat-Mov Chona, Kenichi Kubota, and Lori Hubbard

3:3 On Being an Informed Reader of DEOSNEWS; Kenneth W. Borland, Jr.

3:2 The Hexagon of Cooperative Freedom: A Distance Education Theory Attuned to Computer Conferencing; Morten Flate Paulsen

3:1 New Accessions List, 1992, No. 3; International Centre For Distance Learning, The Open University

Volume 2 (1992)

2:25 European Distance Education Network Newsletter

2:24 Contributions from Participants of the 16th ICDE World Conference on Distance Education

2:23 Long-Term Trends in Distance Education; Gary E. Miller

2:22 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 6 (1992)

2:21 New Accessions List, 1992, No. 2; International Centre For Distance Learning, The Open University

2:20 ABSTRACTS: ACSDE Research Monograph Numbers 3 through 7

2:19 Distance Education in Norway; Morten Flate Paulsen, Torstein Rekkedal, and Morten Soeby

2:18 Speaking Personally with Asbjoern Rolstadaas; Morten Flate Paulsen

2:17 Two Book Reviews: 1) CMC and Education; Gerald Santoro 2) CMC and Distance Education; Gerald Santoro

2:16 Speaking Personally with Teresa Miaja de la Pena; Patricia Gonzalez

2:15 Speaking Personnally with Luis Rosello; Morten Flate Paulsen

2:14 Enhancing Teletutorials via Collaborative Learning,The Malaysian Experience; Rozhan M. Idrus

2:13 Amateurs, Tough Guys, and a Dubious Pursuit: Crime and Correspondence Study in Popular Culture; Von V. Pittman

>2:12 ABSTRACTS: articles from the Journal of Distance Education, Volumes IV to VI (1989-1991).

2:11 New Accessions List, 1992, No. 1; International Centre For Distance Learning, The Open University

2:10 ABSTRACTS: articles from the Journal of Distance Education, Volumes I to III (1986-1988).

2:9 The NKI Electronic College: Five Years of Computer Conferencing in Distance Education; Morten Flate Paulsen

2:8 Distance Education as a Medium for Promoting the College Preparation and Attendance of Minority Students; John McGowan

2:7 ICDE’s 16th World Conference

2:6 Infusing Critical Thinking Skills in Telecourse Instruction; Toby Klinger and Michael Connet

2:5 Evaluation of PreceivdTeigfcivens:ouseier i nacv Vidoechnology Versus Traditional Classroom Methods; Janet Ross Kendall and Muriel Oaks

2:4 Closing the Distance: A CMC Learning Contract Tutorial; Barbara Marantz and Richard England

2:3 New Accessions List, 1991, No. 4.

2:2 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 5 (1991)

2:1 Guidelines for Conducting Instructional Discussions on a Computer Conference; Mark E. Eisley

Volume 1 (1991)

1:25 Distance Education Theory; Michael G. Moore

1:24 When Academia Goes Online: A Social Experiment with Electronic Conferencing for the Nordic Media Research Community; by Terje Rasmussen, Joergen Bang, and Knut Lundby

1:23 Executive Summary of the OAS-IOHE-CREAD Project, Research Study; Armando Villarroel

1:22 Distance Education and Technology Newsletter; October, 1991 Vol. 2; No. 1

1:21 Internet - The Discoveries of a Distance Educator; Walter J. Howse

1:20 The Electronic University: Computer Conferencing in Mass Education; Morten Flate Paulsen

1:19 Moderating Educational Computer Conferencing; Robin Mason

1:18 Computer Networks for Teaching and Research: Changing the nature of Educational Practice and Theory; Greg Kearsley & William Lynch

1:17 Two Book Reviews: 1) Distance Education: The Foundation of Effective Practice and Research in Distance Education 1; Kyle Peck

1:16 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 4 (1990)

1:15 Features of Distance Education in Finland; Jouni Immonen and Jorma Rinta-Kanto

1:14 Innovative Computer Conferencing Cources; Morten Flate Paulsen

1:13 Speaking Personally with Reidar Roll; Michael G. Moore

1:12 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 3 (1989)

1:11 New Accessions List, 1991, No. 2; International Centre For Distance Learning, The Open University

1:10 CMC and Distance Education Around the World. An Annotated Bibliography By Morten Flate Paulsen

1:9 China’s Network of Radio and television Universityies; Rufang Wei

1:8 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 2 (1988)

1:7 Computer-Assisted Language Learning at a Distance: An Internation Survey; Dominique Abrioux

1:6 A Bibliography on Computer Medicated Communication in Distance Education; Morten Flate Paulsen

1:5 The ICDL Database for Distance Education. A review by Morten Flate Paulsen May 1991

1:4 Abstracts: The American Journal of Distance Education, Volume 1(1987)

1:3 Audio-Conferencing in Graduate Education: A Case Study; Elizabeth J. Burge and Joan L. Howard

1:2 A Goal Oriented Method for Establishment of an Electronic College; Morten Flate Paulsen

1:1 The American Center for the Study of Distance Education, the organization and its publications.